Sunday, October 10, 2010

Butterfly Wings

So it's almost Halloween! I'm so excited, so what have I been doing for the last couple of days...I've been coming up with ideas for my daughters Halloween costume. I finally decided on a ladybug (it's been her theme all year, so why not!) now how to make it into a costume. I want something cute so I decided that I would make some butterfly wings and make them red with some black dots on them. I know not quiet a ladybug but I'm hoping that when the whole thing is done that people will get the idea and hopefully understand that it's a ladybug...but we shall see.

Anyways as of right now I have my wings done and thought that I would show you how to make your own. These wings fit my 14 month old to the dot. I simply used 1 hanger for each wing. So if you plan on using these for a bigger child then understand that they may be smaller than you wanted or just right if you want them that way. (Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions concerning this project or another and I will try to clarify it. Also if you have something that you would like to know how to do, I will do my best to experiment and see if I can help you out. I love to create!)


Bend the hangers to the shape that you want them. Cut off the hook ends and do your best to bunch up the loose wires. This will hold your two wings together.
This is how my bunch turned out.
I used some knee high nylons and put them around my hangers.
Then I tied the ends of the 2 knee highs together in the middle over my bunch of wires. This is a picture of the knot made with my nylons.
This isn't a great picture but it's what the wings look like with nylons on them. I could still see the wire through mine so it might be desirable to add a couple more layers of nylons and tie your middle know at the end. If that's the case though you will have to experiment, I didn't do that.
Here I hot glued the extra nylon to fit around the wire. This way it took the shape of the wire as can be seen in the next picture.

And if you want to end there simply tie and or hot glue your elastic to your wings and you're good to go!

However I added some fabric to the outside of my wings because I wanted them red. Soooo I cut the fabric (doubled) to slightly bigger than my wire.
Now I was lazy and in a hurry so I hot glued it, but it would probably look better if you sewed it. Whatever works for you. So I hot glued my fabric all the way around my wings. Then to make a better looking edge I hot glued some ribbon around the edges and added a great big bow and some dots (with a black marker...again I was lazy, but hey it's just Halloween right?) for my ladybug effect.
She wouldn't stop moving and trying to get them off! Haha.
And those are my wings what do you think?

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